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Sunday 6 November 2016

Crafty Bugger To Chatty Mare

Well I now know how Kim LardASSian feels. I've been pipped by the paps again, the story is out. Yes, I'm in talks with the lovely Gary Webster and his garjus wife Wendy Turner Webster to bring you 'A Night On The Aisles'. Back to Londin on 18th November for production meeting for pilot and stayin in the 'Minder' suite. Read the full story here -

A fun week too at the wireless. If you never 'Aird' of Stephanie Aird then you must go and take a look at her videos. I was awake at cock o clock one morning and discovered one of her videos. With the power of soshial media I managed to contact her to have her on me Satdee show. Had a great time, even though she was late. Me koleegs did a wind up and said I was a 'Diva' and I was furious they were late. She got me back when she pretended the video had finished, I ended up showin me jowels to the whole internet. Here's the unedited version. Enjoy. 

She's a thirsty mare, 9 bottles of Lambrini later she got arsy over who's bottle it was. She's from Hartlepool, only to be expected I guess. It's Ian I feel sorry for her, her fella. Can't get a word in edgeways. He couldn't take his eyes off me rack, and I'm not talkin ribs!

Right, I'm still in me bed at 4pm on a Sundee. Ah well, the sweet baby yazu says it's a day of rest. Got to get up and air me Charlie soon. I'm gettin the look!

Laterz. Bev XX 

Pee Ess....If you haven't seen any of me Crafty Beggars Tips on Telly then here they are. X 

Tip 2

Tip 3

Tip 4

Tip 5


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